5G Corridors Workshop 10/10/23

The GUIDE project, with the support of HaDEA and DG CNECT, organised this workshop to review the two 5G Strategic Deployment Agendas published in 2020 in the fields of rail and road.  The objective is to provide guidance to 5G corridor deployment efforts from the public and private sectors and stimulate EU-funded project pipeline building.

The deployment of 5G cross-border corridors along transport paths throughout Europe will contribute significantly to the green and digital transformation of the EU economy and society.  In particular, 5G-enabled Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) is seen as a major enabler for improved transport safety, optimised traffic management, reduced CO₂ emissions, and industrial competitiveness of all transport and mobility related sectors.  This includes all aspects of road, rail, waterways and logistics as they can all use the advanced infrastructure to optimise their use cases and services.

This workshop built on CEF Digital Call 1 projects and engage with stakeholders in strategic conversations aiming at defining priority deployment roadmaps, various cooperation models, while identifying and sharing best practices.  The workshop took a participatory approach, whereby stakeholders involved in Call 1 and possibly forthcoming Call 2 projects, as well as other potential participants in future waves of deployment and the supporting public authorities could exchange ideas, insights and help building a community around 5G-CAM in order to move forward with deployment of 5G Corridors. The workshop also facilitated match-making discussions and encouraged the involvement of relevant players in future calls.

5G Corridors Workshop Agenda

The event presentations are linked in the table below:

10:00Part 1:  Strategic Objectives and Ambitions
10:00Welcome Address/GUIDE projectGUIDE Project - David Kennedy
10:155G Corridors Ambition – EU policy perspective
DG CONNECT/ SNS JU – Peter Stuckmann, Head of Unit CNECT
5G Corridors, national and industry perspective on
cross-border deployment

Johannes Springer, CTO Connected Car, T-Systems, Director General 5GAA
Jos Nooijen, ICT Architect, ProRail, Chair of EIM Tel.
Xhoana Shehu, Policy Manager, ETNO
Elizabeth Sandström Greenfield, CEF Coordinator for Sweden
Eric Krier, CEF Coordinator for Luxembourg.
Juan Arriola Ballesteros, Delegate, Government of Spain.

Moderator: Peter Stuckmann, HoU E1, CNECT
11:30Questions and AnswersAll
13:00 Part 2:  Building on Experience
13:00Status of Call 1 projects & results,Status of Call 2HADEA - Hervé Dupuy, Head of Unit
13:10Overview of Call 1 Projects responses to QuestionnaireGUIDE - David Kennedy/Pierre-Yves DANET
Lessons learnt from study to deployment
5G Corridor Project Presentations:

DeLux - Ralf Weber
EVOCAM5G / IBERIANL5G - Luis Moreno Fraile
NETC - Mats Mudigonda-Lundback
MEDCOR5G / NATCOR5G - Luis Moreno Fraile
SEAGUL -Andreas Georgakopoul
5G Brno-Bratislava - Jakub Munzar / Ondrey Borovsky
5G MELUSINA - Hicham Elmaatouk
5G on Track - Stephanie Kleipaß
LATEST-5G - Muhammad Mahtab Alam
5G GAIL - Giulia Napolitano
5GCarolina - Petr Fort
EUMOB - Xavier Daura Albeldo

Moderator: Coen Bresser, ERTICO
14:20Questions and AnswersAll
14:50    Part 3:  5G Strategic Deployment Agenda
14:505G Strategic Deployment Agenda, process and state of playGUIDE - Laura Sanz, i2CAT

Reviewing the Strategic Deployment Agenda (SDA) for rail and road

Luis Moreno, Cellnex
Maciej Muehleisen, Ericsson
Steve Phillips, CEDR
Coen Bresser, ERTICO
Dan Mandoc, UIC
Uwe Pützschler, Vice Chair 5GAA, Nokia

Moderator: Edwin Fischer, 5G for CAM SNS JU WG
15:40Questions and AnswersAll
15:50Part 4:  Planning Ahead – new Opportunities
15:50Future 5GCorridor Opportunities Bianca Jitea, Policy officer, DG CNECT
16:00Future deployment Ideas /Brokerage Pitches for new projectsOpen call for ideas
1. Corridor projects & ESG - David Wei Gong, Nokia
2. Cross Border Alignment - Mats Mudigonda Lundbäck, Telia
3. Innovative CCAM Services - Petr Fort, T-Mobile Czech

Moderator: Uwe Herzog, Eurescom
16:20ConclusionsGUIDE - David Kennedy, Eurescom
16:30Close of Workshop


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