Many of the innovations and implementations foreseen under the 5G Corridors priority of the CEF Digital programme represent necessary stimulation and facilitation activities to ensure European industry and society have the universal access and availability of the advanced networks and services that have been envisaged in the 5G PPP initiative and are now being enhanced in the Smart Network and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS). However, there is now a need to ensure the investments being made through this programme are coherent and consistent to achieve the maximum return and to facilitate an accelerated uptake of the new technologies and services across Europe.
To achieve this, the GUIDE project will provide guidance and consolidation of the best practices across the 5G deployment activities funded under CEF 5G Corridors. The collated experience will also be made available to other EU and national programmes such as the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).
The GUIDE project will establish a diaspora between the new 5G Corridors topic of the CEF Digital program works and studies projects, in collaboration with the peer CEF Digital CSA and procured support actions, to build a community of expertise around the design and deployment of 5G Corridor solutions.

1.Support to the organisation of stakeholder engagement activities, involving, amongst others mobile network operators, operators deploying infrastructure and associated facilities such as tower companies, telecom backhaul operators, road operators, rail infrastructure managers, automotive manufacturers, and mobility service providers, including SNS working group secretariat, workshops, information days, seminars, conferences and online social networks
2.Proactive outreach to stakeholders and public authorities to stimulate interest in proposal submission to CEF Digital calls in line with deployment roadmap and planned project pipeline
3.Support and coordination to the building of project pipelines for CEF funding and community building, across sectors and cross-border
4.Gather and develop information among projects in terms of corridor length, mode of transport, service requirements for safety and non-safety services, technologies and systems including edge nodes, overall costs and funding, etc.
5.Elaboration of best practices of CEF-funded studies within 5G corridor preparation and CEF-funded deployment projects to cover common challenges (e.g. cross-border CAM business continuity, local breakout)
6.Performance evaluation across CEF-funded 5G corridor deployment projects and assessment of legal and regulatory constraints
7.Progress monitoring of 5G corridor deployment projects, including geographic mapping of EU and non EU-funded 5G corridor projects and facilitate reporting with the European 5G Observatory
8.Liaison with European regulatory authorities such as the Body of European Regulators in Electronic Communications (BEREC), European agencies such as the European Rail Agency, public-private-partnerships implementing EU funding programmes such as the Smart Network and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS) and the Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility PPP (CCAM)