The GUIDE project consortium members represent the breadth and depth of the stakeholder communities. The GUIDE project participants are embedded in the activities of Working Groups of the 5G-PPP and the SNS-JU, the 6G Industry Association (6G IA), the SNS JU Governing board and the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA.). The consortium can directly access all of these communities and motivate the relevant stakeholders.

The Consortium has established contact with stakeholders already engaged in 5GCorridors activities and project beneficiaries under CEF 5G Corridors priority. This has helped refine the GUIDE project approach to identifying common deployment approaches and priorities. The proposed approach of the GUIDE project will lead to the production of non-binding strategic documents, such as best practice recommendations from CEF 5G Corridors Projects, and guidance by the 5G-PPP and SNS-JU Working Groups (specifically, two versions of the 5G for CAM SDA) and facilitate their adoption by the Governing Board of the SNS-JU.