5GCorridors Call 2 Projects Introduction Webinar: Tuesday 19th March 13:00

The GUIDE project, together with HADEA and DG CONNECT, are organising this workshop to introduce the Call 2 projects and discuss their 5G Corridor deployment efforts.

To see the full Agenda and the presentations from the event please go to the event page: Call2 introduction Event

5G Corridors Workshop, 10 October 2023

The GUIDE project, together with HADEA and DG CONNECT, organised this workshop in Brussels to review the status of the Strategic Deployment Agendas and the 5G corridor deployment efforts. To see the full Agenda and the presentations from the event please go to the event page: https://guide.5gcorridors.eu/5g-corridors-event-october-2023


Previous Events:

Best Practices - inter 5G Corridors Project Meetings

Project:             Presenter:         Organisation:
5G NETC Mats M Lundbeck Telia
5G SEAGUL A. Georgakopoulos WINGS ICT Solutions.
DeLux Ralf Weber Telekom
EVOCAM5G Luis Moreno Cellnex
IBERIANL5G Luis Moreno Cellnex
MEDCOR5G Luis Moreno Cellnex
NATCOR5G Luis Moreno Cellnex
Project:             Presenter:    
5GE Michel Tassent
EUMOB Xavier Daura
LATEST_5GS Anet Tammets
5G Brno – Bratislava Jakub Munzar
5G GAIL Giulia Napolitano
5GCarolina Dr. Petr FOŘT
5G on Track Stephanie Kleipaß/Selin Altin
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