5G Corridors Workshop: 16 October 2024
5G Corridors Workshop 16/10/24 Venue: Room 1.A Centre Borschette, Rue Froissart 36, Brussels Start: 11:30 (coffee available from 11:00) until 17:30 The GUIDE project, with the support of HaDEA, DG […]
5G Corridors Workshop 16/10/24 Venue: Room 1.A Centre Borschette, Rue Froissart 36, Brussels Start: 11:30 (coffee available from 11:00) until 17:30 The GUIDE project, with the support of HaDEA, DG […]
Outline: The EU has set forth a clear and ambitious action plan to enable Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) across Europe and especially across the designated Pan-European Transport Corridors, with 5G and B5G/6G technologies acting as the main connectivity technology. To enable this plan, a comprehensive roadmap of Research and Innovation (R&I) and Deployment activities […]
The GUIDE project, together with HADEA and DG CONNECT, organised this workshop to introduce the Call 3 projects and discuss their 5G Corridor deployment efforts. This webinar was be held on Tuesday 21st January at 13:00 CET. The presentations given are available below and the event video can be watched. Agenda Introduction: HADEA/CNECT/GUIDE Elena JENARO […]