5GCorridors Call 2 Projects Introduction

The GUIDE project, together with HADEA and DG CONNECT, are organising this workshop to introduce the Call 2 projects and discuss their 5G Corridor deployment efforts. Agenda Introduction: HADEA/CNECT/GUIDE Elena JENARO TEJADA, HADEA Christian MICAS, CNECT David KENNEDY, GUIDE Introducing the New Call 2 Projects: 22-EU-DIG-5GBLK                                                Plamen Vichev, CETIN Bulgaria EAD 22-EU-DIG-BALTCOR5G                                    Maciej Borucki, Towerlink […]

5G Corridors Workshop: 16 October 2024

5G Corridors Workshop 16/10/24 Venue:  Room 1.A Centre Borschette, Rue Froissart 36, Brussels Start:  11:30 (coffee available from 11:00) until 17:30 The GUIDE project, with the support of HaDEA, DG CNECT and the 5GMEC4EU project, are organising this workshop to review and discuss, the ongoing 5G Corridors work, the status of the 5G Strategic Deployment […]

SNS ICE / GUIDE: Automotive, Transport & Logistics Solutions Webinar

Outline: The EU has set forth a clear and ambitious action plan to enable Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) across Europe and especially across the designated Pan-European Transport Corridors, with 5G and B5G/6G technologies acting as the main connectivity technology. To enable this plan, a comprehensive roadmap of Research and Innovation (R&I) and Deployment activities […]

5GCorridors Call 3 Projects Introduction

The GUIDE project, together with HADEA and DG CONNECT, organised this workshop to introduce the Call 3 projects and discuss their 5G Corridor deployment efforts. This webinar was be held […]

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